Saturday, November 29, 2008

*I'm Thankful..... *

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
~ Cynthia Ozick

I am thankful... and a few days late writing this.... But I've been busy enjoying my family... which I am SOOOO THANKFUL for!

It's easy to become wrapped up in things you don't have, things you wish you could have, things you wish you previously had, things that are always out of reach... But when asked to list what you are *RIGHT NOW* (in this moment) Thankful for... it seems easy to understand just how lucky you are... try it...

Right now I am thankful for...

*Family... each and every one of them
*My marriage... the good, the bad, the happy and the sad
*Random "I Love You's" from Madi and Mac
*Kid Hugs...
*Walking into my parent's house and instantly feeling "At Home"
*Looking at my 90 Year old Grandmother "Neena" and knowing that she loves me and is proud of me... but also looking at her and being proud that I can live in this same life that she does
*Feeling a big fat cat curled up on my feet in the early morning
*Madi and everything she brings into my life... even the grumpy moments
*Mac and his Mac "ways"... I wish I could keep him 5 forever
*My health, my life, my love
*Friends near and far... For Becca, Jess, and Bex ... because even when they can't physically hold my hand... I know they are.
*Facebook... Myspace... and my computer
*First loves and last loves...
*Eternity Perfume
*Chocolate Pudding
*My mom's 'sketti sauce
*Hearing my mom call me her "little one"
*Knowing that my parents are proud of me and who I have become.
*Heated seats
*Fitting into my "favorite" jeans...
*People magazine
*Chunky Monkey Ice Cream
*Fuzzy slippers
*each one of my nieces and nephews...
*Kevin Bacon
*knowing the feeling of love, of happiness, of sadness, of hurt... being able to "feel"
*my new found NON' dependency on my cell phone
*a new found relationship with one of my sisters
*music, my iPod, and MTV
*my life... and the mystery of the years yet to come

My list could go on forever.... but how comforting it is to know that right now... in this moment... I'm so blessed. I'll admit to having the "woe is me" moments lately... but when I stop to really think about my life... I know that I'm lucky, I'm happy, and I'm surrounded by people who help make my life what it is.

Thank you... all of you.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oh Where Oh Where....

Could I be?

I can't catch up! Seriously... How did it get to Thanksgiving already? Wasn't it just summer? Wasn't I just laying out with a good book listening to the kids play?

As I type, I can watch the snow swirling around out my window. I won't even go on and on and on about how much I detest winter, snow, and everything cold. Just let it be know that I hate it. I, as a good parent, try to teach Madi and Mac that we don't use the word "hate".... that we don't "Hate" anything.... but secretly I HATE WINTER.

Madi brought home a wonderful report card. All A+'s except for that darn B+ in Math. What can I say, she's my girl. If it has anything to do with numbers, I really don't want anything to do with it. (except for shopping!) Her grades earned her a spot on the Middle School High Honors Honor Roll. We are very proud of her.

Also, in Miss Smarty Pants Madi news... she ran for Student Council. There were 6 children total chosen from the 5th grade Homerooms. After counting 600 votes... we learned that Madi was chosen for one of the spots. What an honor for all of us. For Madi it means that she is being accepted in a new school that is full of new teachers, new classmates, and new friends. For a Mom... it means that this move hasn't affected her so far. I've been so nervous that she would handle the move the hardest... that she would struggle being in a new place without her familiar surroundings. But I think she's okay. I think we're all okay. I think my feelings can finally come close to resting and I can relax knowing that I'm okay.

Mac... what a kid. I've overheard him a few times over the past month or so tell people on the phone that "He's not hearing so well." After a visit to our new local Doctor... we have a referral to a hearing specialist on Tuesday.

Mac's hearing, ears, health, etc have been a constant battle with us since he was just a tiny little thing... I have this knot in my stomach that won't leave until I know that he's okay. I hate complaining when I know that there are so many children out there with MUCH more serious medical issues.... but he's my baby, and I worry.

I guess right now... in this moment... I'm so THANKFUL for all that is right in my life right now. Sometimes our lives can start that spin... that spin that can whack us all out of sync.... but right now I feel like I'm standing still... which for me IS A GOOD THING.

I'm going to sit for a minute... and think of my feet buried in sand, the sun toasting my skin to an early onset of wrinkles, and a nice fruity drink by my side. (please don't tell my brain that I'm really freezing, cup of HOT coffee beside me, with 2 layers of moisturizer on my dry flaky skin)

Peace, Love, and Warm Fuzzy Mittens....