Saturday, September 13, 2008


The one that says... "WAYWARD KITTIES.. come here!"

Yep... it's invisible... can't see it... but it must be there.

I swear it.

I can't explain how rural the area is where my house is, compared to where I lived in North East (13 miles from Erie, Pa) The "town" is really close... but I'm off on the mountain... (er... hill...) LOL. We've been watching these kittens and mama kitty at a near by house.... well we WERE watching them. In fact I stopped to tell the lady I wasn't stalking her... just the kids loved to watch the kittens play.

Next night... sitting on my porch. Mama, and 3 babies. They are WILD... but the mother wants to be friends. She's too timid tho.
Then... the next night... another cat. See a theme?

The next night... a long haired scruffy guy showed up... Kitty, that is.

I swore I wouldn't feed them. But then they looked at me.

So ... now, I think they love me. Though, they won't come anywhere near me...

BUT... *sigh* I notice that the one little kitten had a terrible scratch on his/her side... the next day it looked a bit worse. And the past two days that kitten hasn't been coming around. I'm afraid the coyotes got him... if it got infected and he/she got weak... all it is is prey to the coyotes. OR... could be the MOUNTAIN LION that everyone is spotting... it has been spotted by several people.. Ask most people around here and they'll tell you that there aren't any Mountain Lions in "our neck of the woods."... but I believe that there could be. And one person who told my father about one... would NOT lie about something like this.

Next thing you know... that thing will show up on my door. Meow'ing and wanting food. UGH!

Ugh... I*am*the*crazy*cat*lady! and... I know that the mother cat is pg again. She was looking pretty scruffy when she showed up. Now, she looks pretty scruffy and like she swallowed a small watermelon. I'd say the kittens that she has are around 6 weeks or so. And another litter on the way! YIKES!

Okay... enough meow meow rambling.... Just tell me... did they design this "action figure" after me?

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