Saturday, March 15, 2008

** Mom, Mom, Mama, Mama, Mommy, Mommy, Ma, Ma, Ma, Ma...**

"You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back." ~William D. Tammeus.

If you are not an avid Family Guy fan, as I am, then the title of today's blog might not make sense to you.

Please take a minute and click the link below.... if you are a Mom, Mom, Mommy, Mommy... you'll relate. If you are not... then you'll at least understand where I am going with today's entry.

** just watch the first section of the clip... whoever put this video on youtube also did a few spin offs. Not so funny ***

The Link:

That. Is. Exactly. How. Mac. Woke. Me. Up. This. Morning.
White Kitty was missing and it was a national disaster. White Kitty comes in 2nd to his Lovey. Both are not white. I think White Kitty was at one time white... but we really should be calling him "Gray Kitty" My mom shivers when she sees Lovey and White Kitty. I'm confidant that they should be sealed in plastic to not endanger anyone. I'm happy to announce that we found White Kitty, he was merely hiding under the comforter... Mac thinks he was scared of the horse sounds on his Nintendo DS "Horsez" game. I think he knows his days as "white" kitty are over and heard me threaten to throw him in the washer. (the Kitty... not Mac)

Madi had a friend spend the night last night. They made a fortress under the pool table and stayed up until 3am. 3am? *GASP* I don't think I saw my first 3 am until way into my teen years. While I should be impressed... I know what the day holds. I won't speak for her friend... but I can tell you that Madi is MISERABLE. Just the way she looked at me when she came up the steps from the basement made me know instantly... that I should "back the hell up" and give her space. And while some mothers would have faced that beast head on... I "backed the hell up" and poured another cup of coffee.

Today's going to be a LONG day. I said "Madi... warm clothes please.... " to which she replied "MOOOOOOOM, I KNOOOOOOW." Does she think I'll understand and hear her better if she drags out the words?

Luckily... it's the St Patty's parade in Erie. I have to take them. I used it as ammunition to bribe Mac to go to bed last night. There is still snow on the ground and mixing among the crawlers of State Street should be interesting.

**pausing** it's time to head out for parade...


Note to self: think twice before attending a parade on State St. in Erie, Pa in February. Yuck, Gross, Melting Snow, Yuck, Gross. Whenever someone threw candy... it landed in the big piles of melted snow water... *shivers*... so gross. Needless to say... I told Mac and Madi that I would buy them a bag of candy each *IF* they promised to not eat any of the candy that was thrown at them. Mac promptly shoved a soggy Tootsie Roll in his mouth.

I, however managed to score a "Geek Squad" tshirt and a channel CW water bottle. Small glitches of goodness on a rather bleak day.

The "3 am Princess" is slowly fading... I see a 7pm bedtime for both her and Mac. And this "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Ma, Ma, Ma, Ma, Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama" will watch some Tivo'd programs that she needs to catch up on.... and enjoy the silence.

I leave you with these words of wisdom....
Peace, Love, and soggy wet Tootsie Rolls....

"I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them."
~ Phyllis Diller

"Any mother could perform the jobs of several air-traffic controllers with ease."
~ LisaAlther

"My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it."
~ Mark Twain

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